
Born with disabilities, offered possibilities

Zimnaan is a bright, positive young man studying Psychology in university. Born with a genetic disease, he has no arms. He gets around by rolling on the ground, being lifted by his parents and using his wheelchair.

Here is the amazing story how we met and enabled Zimnaan. Michelle our CEO was invited to chair the panel of speakers at a seminar on inclusivity. Zimnaan was one of the speakers. At break time, he dropped by our booth.

The night before the event, Michelle asked us to pack a chopstick. “Just one, a long one”, she said. “Why?”, we asked, curious. She said she did not know why but had a hunch. When we met Zimnaan, we knew why. He waved the chopstick like a magic wand and played beautiful music instantly. No prior training. Watch the video and be touched and inspired.

For people with disabilities, whose access to music making is restricted, even deemed impossible, we offer a whole new world of possibilities.